Does stubbing give you an empty feeling – am I stubbing too much?

As you start writing your first few unit tests, this is how you’re going to feel.

You’re testing a class, then you need to stub out some other class, and some more class. Eventually, you’ll feel like you’re basically stubbing everything. You don’t even know if you’re still testing the real class anymore.

I feel this pain when I first started unit testing many years ago. So I completely understand why you’re feeling this way. And I’m going to give you a magic pill for this pain to go away forever.

I came across the following question in Slack the other day:

Lets say that I have some CommentsWebSocket – and I inject it into in my view controller. Is there a reason to make CommentsWebSocketStub in order to inject it into the sut when testing the view controller?

The question is in relation to the following code:

Now, you don’t need to read and understand what the code does. You just need to know that the CommentsWebSocket class conforms to the CommentsWebSocketProtocol protocol. And the init() accepts a CommentsWebSocketDelegate using constructor dependency injection. You don’t need to read any of the code in the startWebSocket() method to answer the question.

So, the answer is yes. When you’re testing the view controller, you stub out its external dependencies which is CommentsWebSocket. When you’re testing CommentsWebSocket, you also stub out its external dependencies which is CommentsWebSocketDelegate.

However, you do not stub out the sut because you wouldn’t be testing the real thing.

You want to stub because you do not want any change in the behavior of any external dependency to affect the results of your tests. For example, you don’t want a change in an API server to affect the test results of your iOS app, so you stub out the server. When you stub out the server, you only care if your sut is making the appropriate API call to the server, but you don’t care what the server does with the request. Now, in the opposite direction, you provide canned responses from the server as inputs to test your sut to see if the sut is producing the correct outputs as a result.

So that’s the magic pill. And let me summarize it for you in the following so you don’t need a second visit to the doctor.

  • Know what class you’re testing.
  • Stub out that class’s dependencies.
  • Do not stub out the class you’re testing.

Are you feeling better now?

I've been developing in iOS since the iPhone debuted, jumped on Swift when it was announced. Writing well-tested apps with a clean architecture has been my goal.

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