After many months of development and testing, experimenting with multiple projects, and initial beta testings by some of you, I have just released the Clean Swift templates to work for the latest Xcode 8.3.3 and 9.0. You can use it for Swift 3 and 4.
This update also has the following, long-awaited features:
- Improved routing whether you use segues or not
- Improved data passing using the all new data store protocol
- Separated the routing process into two phases: navigation and data passing, with a clean interface
- Removed the need for configurator in favor of cleaner setup
- Combined input and output protocols to remove duplication
- Renamed protocols with better names
- Swiftier models with nested enums and structs
- Use optionals to prevent crash in the VIP cycle when the scene is no longer in memory
- Works whether you use storyboards to build your UI or not
- View controller class names are now recognized when specifying class names in storyboards
I’ll be writing more about the new improvements in the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can check out the updated CleanStore sample app on GitHub to see how to use these latest templates.
A big thanks to those who tested early and provided me a long list of feedback and suggestions. I’ll read everything and see what I can push to the next update.
You can buy The Clean Swift Handbook with a free one-month access to my Slack team to get started with the latest templates, Xcode, and Swift.
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